Сворачивание ламинарного слоя смешения

Cворачивание ламинарного слоя смешения
и полностью турбулентный слой смешения
и полностью турбулентный слой смешения


pdf 1988_Papamoschou, Roshko_The compressible turbulent shear layer an experimental study

Papamoschou D, Roshko A. The compressible turbulent shear layer: an experimental study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1988;197:453-477.

pdf 1990_Bell, Mehta_Development of a two-stream mixing layer from tripped and untripped boundary layers
Bell JH, Mehta RD. Development of a two-stream mixing layer from tripped and untripped boundary layers. AIAA Journal. 1990;28(12):2034-2042.

pdf 1992_Clemens, Mungal_Two- and three-dimensional effects in the supersonic mixing layer
Clemens NT, Mungal MG. Two- and three-dimensional effects in the supersonic mixing layer. AIAA Journal. 1992;30(4):973-981.

zip mixinglayer_movie
Анимации слоя смешения